Contact Means

Residential Places

- Subvented RCHD
- Supported Hostel
Licence / Certificate of Exemption

Service Quality

Paragraph 11.4.4 in Chapter 11 of the Code of Practice for Residential Care Homes (Persons with Disabilities)
An RCHD should take appropriate measures, including placing signs near the bedsides of residents and/or other suitable locations for identifying the special nursing care needs or risk factors of residents (e.g. allergies, falls, swallowing difficulty, etc.) to ensure their safety.
Paragraph 15.2.3 in Chapter 15 of the Code of Practice for Residential Care Homes (Persons with Disabilities) (Relevant Part)
A safe living environment should be provided to residents.
Staffing, Facilities and Services

(備註: 以上員工資料適用於整個綜合復康服務中心)
(备注: 以上员工资料适用于整个综合复康服务中心)